680 Securing Sufficient Nursery Education for the County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil PDF 767 KB
To consider report of the Chief Officer Education
Additional documents:
Resolved that:
(a) The Nursery Education Offer of English Medium Places proposed for academic year 2020/2021 as detailed in Paragraph 7.2 of the report is sufficient for the County Borough and the Local Authority is working towards securing sufficient provision of Welsh Medium Nursery Education Places as detailed in Paragraphs 6.51 and 6.52 of the report be approved
(b) The Nursery Education Admissions Policy detailed in Section 7.0 of the report be approved and reviewed annually as part of published admission arrangements with a three yearly update on Nursery Education Provision being brought back to Council
(c) The funding of April Foundation Phase Nursery 1 (FPN1) places implemented through the Scheme of Delegation from April 2020 (subject to the relevant consultations) be approved
(d) The revenue budget required to deliver a seedling Welsh Medium Primary School as detailed in Paragraph 9.3 of the report be built into the Medium Term Financial Plan from 2021 onwards be approved
(e) The long term Nursery Education Strategic aims for Foundation Phase Nursery 1 (FPN1) and Foundation Phase Nursery 2 (FPN2) places set out in Paragraphs 8.5 and 8.6 of the report be approved
Councillor S Thomas left the Meeting at 6.38 pm and returned at 6.40 pm.