Issue - meetings

AO - Wellbeing Merthyr Update

Meeting: 17/04/2024 - Full Council (Item 896)

896 Wellbeing Merthyr Update pdf icon PDF 405 KB

To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Councillor M Symonds led the Council through the ‘Wellbeing Merthyr Update’ report and moved the recommendations detailed at Paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the report.


Councillor M Symonds then referred to Paragraph 4.6 of the report and advised that it should read :


The Council is continuing to work with an alternative leisure service provider (who cannot be named at this point due to no contract being entered into) to potentially take over provision of leisure services that fall under the current contract’.


Councillor B Carter then proposed a further recommendation that:


2.4    A Special Council to be scheduled with immediate effect if the situation with Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Leisure Centre demands it, be approved.


The Monitoring Officer then gave advice on the proposed additional recommendation.


Councillor M Symonds then advised that she was happy to accept the additional recommendation.


Questions were then raised on the report together with Members making comments on the report.


Resolved subject to the foregoing that:


(a)    Work towards a managed return of the existing contract and assets by the Council in collaboration with Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Trust (MTLT) by 30 April be noted

(b)    The continuation of discussions with Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Trust (MTLT) relating to Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Community Centre be noted

(c)    Officers bring an update report to Full Council in June 2024 be approved

(d)    A Special Council to be scheduled with immediate effect if the situation with Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Leisure Centre demands it, be approved.


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