Agenda and minutes


Contact: Democratic Services Department 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor C J Barry and Councillor H R Jones.


Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct




(a)  Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and


(b)  Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave


Councillor L Davies Declared his Interest in Item Fourteen – Cyfarthfa Park, Castle, Museum, Art Gallery and Heritage Assets Operated by The Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Trust as he does some work for the Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Trust.


Youth Offending Service - Prevention


This item was deferred.


Minutes of Previous Meeting(s)

To approve as accurate the Minutes of the following Meetings:


Council approves as accurate (subject to any amendments) the Minutes of the following Meetings:


Full Council: 18/12/2019 pdf icon PDF 127 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held 18 December 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Cabinet: 18/12/2019 pdf icon PDF 123 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held 18 December 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Audit: 30/09/2019 pdf icon PDF 46 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Audit Committee held 30 September 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Joint Committee: 30/09/2019 pdf icon PDF 51 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Joint Scrutiny Committee held 30 September 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Audit: 19/12/2019 pdf icon PDF 122 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Audit Committee held 19 December 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Standards: 15/11/2019 pdf icon PDF 112 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Standards Committee held 15 November 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


SACRE: 26/11/2019 pdf icon PDF 122 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the SACRE Meeting held 26 November 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Planning, Regulatory and Licensing: 16/10/2019 pdf icon PDF 111 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Planning, Regulatory and Licensing Committee held 16 October 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Planning, Regulatory and Licensing: 08/01/2020 pdf icon PDF 54 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Planning, Regulatory and Licensing Committee held 8 January 2020 be accepted as a correct record.


Licensing Committee:15/01/2020 pdf icon PDF 31 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Licensing Committee held 15 January 2020 be accepted as a correct record.


Licensing Committee: 15/01/2020 pdf icon PDF 31 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Licensing Committee held 15 January 2020 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Learning and LGES: 07/10/2019 pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Learning and LGES Scrutiny Committee held 7 October 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Social Services: 08/10/2019 pdf icon PDF 115 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee held 8 October 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Social Services: 17/12/2019 pdf icon PDF 119 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee held 17 December 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Governance, Performance, Business Change and Corporate Services: 26/11/2019 pdf icon PDF 118 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Governance, Performance, Business Change and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee held 26 November 2019 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Governance, Performance, Business Change and Corporate Services: 07/01/2020 pdf icon PDF 111 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Governance, Performance, Business Change and Corporate Services Scrutiny Committee held 7 January 2020 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Neighbourhood Services, Planning and Countryside: 13/01/2020 pdf icon PDF 124 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Neighbourhood Services, Planning and Countryside Scrutiny Committee held 13 January 2020 be accepted as a correct record.


Scrutiny : Regeneration and Public Protection: 14/01/2020 pdf icon PDF 117 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Regeneration and Public Protection Scrutiny Committee held 14 January 2020 be accepted as a correct record.


Revenue Budget 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 436 KB

To consider report of the Interim Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Resolved that:


(a)  The implications of the Provisional Local Government Settlement for 2020/21 outlined in Section 6 of the report and Appendices 1 to 3 be noted and accepted

(b)  The Cabinet recommended net Corporate Additional Demands outlined in Section 7 of the report and Appendix 4 be approved

(c)  The Service Budget Reductions previously approved by Council outlined in Section 8 of the report and Appendix 5 be noted

(d)  The Cabinet recommended Corporate Budget Reductions outlined in Section 9 of the report and Appendix 6 be noted and approved

(e)  The Cabinet recommended Budget Reserve and General Reserve contributions of £600,000 and £300,000 respectively outlined in Section 10 of the report be approved

(f)   The Cabinet recommended Provision for Further Commitments of £764,000 outlined in Section 11 of the report be approved


Welsh Government Consultation: Changes to Executive Governance Arrangements in Principal Councils pdf icon PDF 191 KB

To consider report of the Interim Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Councillor A Barry referred the Members to the ‘Welsh Government Consultation: Changes to Executive Governance Arrangements in Principal Councils’ report and proposed an amendment to recommendation 2.1 to read:


‘In order to compile a collective response the forwarding to Democratic Services by any Member of any comments or observations be agreed’


Resolved subject to the foregoing that:


(a)  In order to compile a collective response the forwarding to Democratic Services by any Member of any comments or observations be agreed

(b)  The sharing of this collective response with all Councillors for their information be agreed.


Adoption Of Council Tax Reduction Scheme For the Financial Year 2020/21 pdf icon PDF 173 KB

To consider report of the Interim Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Councillor J Amos left the Meeting at 5.50 pm and returned at 5.54 pm.


Resolved that:


The adoption of a Council Tax Reduction Scheme to commence in April 2020 under the requirements of the Prescribed Requirements Regulations for the 2020/21 financial year be approved.


Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council Replacement Local Development Plan 2016 – 2031: Inspector’s Report and Adoption pdf icon PDF 268 KB

To consider report of the Chief Officer Neighbourhood Services

Additional documents:


Resolved that:


(a)  The findings of the Inspector’s binding report attached at Appendix 1 be noted and the Adoption of the Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) 2016 – 2031 be approved

(b)  The Chief Officer for Planning and Neighbourhood Services be authorised to make minor typographical or factual corrections, presentational changes or consequential amendments to the Replacement Local Development Plan (LDP) arising from the Inspector’s recommended changes in accordance with Paragraph 1.9 of the Inspector’s report 

(c)  The necessary arrangements are made to translate and publish the Replacement Local Development Plan, including making the Plan available on the Council’s Website and at deposit locations in accordance with the 2005 Local Development Plan Regulations (as amended) be approved

(d)  Use of adopted Supplementary Planning Guidance (SPG) prepared to supplement the Policies of the existing adopted Local Development Plan (LDP) 2006 – 2021 as material considerations in the determination of planning applications be approved until they are replaced or otherwise withdrawn.


Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council Nature Recovery Action Plan (2019 – 2024) pdf icon PDF 325 KB

To consider report of the Chief Officer Neighbourhood Services

Additional documents:


Resolved that:


Council adoption of the Merthyr Tydfil Nature Recovery Action Plan be approved.


Corporate Parenting Board Update pdf icon PDF 248 KB

To consider report of the Chief Officer Social Services

Additional documents:


Councillor C Davies referred the Members to the ‘Corporate Parenting Board Update’ report and advised of amendments to the report:


Paragraph 5.10 – Placement Type – Merthyr Tydfil Foster Carers – Number of Looked after young people in placement type as at 31.03.18 should read 52 not 26.


Councillor C Davies also gave a detailed explanation of Paragraph 5.6 of the report in relation to the numbers and the reduction of the numbers themselves stabilising young people and to keep them close to home.


Councillor C Davies also proposed a further recommendation of ‘Provision to the Members of an update Workshop on Councillors Corporate Parenting Roles and Responsibilities’.


Resolved subject to the foregoing that:


(a)  The contents of the report be noted

(b)  Provision to the Members of an update Workshop on Councillors Corporate Parenting Roles and Responsibilities be agreed


Securing Sufficient Nursery Education for the County Borough of Merthyr Tydfil pdf icon PDF 767 KB

To consider report of the Chief Officer Education

Additional documents:


Resolved that:


(a)  The Nursery Education Offer of English Medium Places proposed for academic year 2020/2021 as detailed in Paragraph 7.2 of the report is sufficient for the County Borough and the Local Authority is working towards securing sufficient provision of Welsh Medium Nursery Education Places as detailed in Paragraphs 6.51 and 6.52 of the report be approved

(b)  The Nursery Education Admissions Policy detailed in Section 7.0 of the report be approved and reviewed annually as part of published admission arrangements with a three yearly update on Nursery Education Provision being brought back to Council

(c)  The funding of April Foundation Phase Nursery 1 (FPN1) places implemented through the Scheme of Delegation from April 2020 (subject to the relevant consultations) be approved

(d)  The revenue budget required to deliver a seedling Welsh Medium Primary School as detailed in Paragraph 9.3 of the report be built into the Medium Term Financial Plan from 2021 onwards be approved

(e)  The long term Nursery Education Strategic aims for Foundation Phase Nursery 1 (FPN1) and Foundation Phase Nursery 2 (FPN2) places set out in Paragraphs 8.5 and 8.6 of the report be approved


Councillor S Thomas left the Meeting at 6.38 pm and returned at 6.40 pm.


Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW) Annual Letter 2018/19 pdf icon PDF 255 KB

To receive report of the Interim Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Resolved that:


The report for Information be received.



In order for the following to be considered in private, it is suggested that the public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraph/s 14,15 under Part 4 of Schedule 12A Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972.




Resolved that:


The public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Paragraphs 14 and 15 under Part 4 of Schedule 12A Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Cyfarthfa Park, Castle, Museum, Art Gallery And Heritage Assets Operated By The Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Trust

To consider report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive


Councillor L Davies having Declared his Interest in this Item left the Chamber for the consideration of this Item.


Councillor E C Galsworthy left the Meeting at 7.00 pm.


Resolved that:


The recommendations as contained within the report be accepted.


Feasibility Study For Internal Agency Follow Up

To receive report of the Interim Chief Executive


Resolved that:


The report for Information be received.


Business Rates - Application For Hardship Relief

To receive report of the Interim Chief Executive


Resolved that:


The report for Information be received.


Preparations And Implications Of Brexit

To receive report of the Interim Deputy Chief Executive


Resolved that:


The report for Information be received.


To deal with any other urgent business or correspondence


The Mayor advised that there was no business deemed urgent.


To receive communications from Her/His Worship the Mayor


The Mayor extended his congratulations to Councillor S Thomas and his Partner on the birth of their baby.


a to z of services
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