Contact: Democratic Services Department
No. | Item |
Minutes Silence The Council observed a Minutes Silence in relation to the suffering in the Middle East. |
Apologies for Absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Councillor J Davies and Councillor L Davies. |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct
(a) Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and
(b) Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave Minutes: Councillor E Galsworthy Declared his Interest in Item 12 – Disabled Facility Grants Delivery as he is a Member of Cwm Taf Care and Repair.
Councillor K Gibbs Declared his Interest in Item 4 – Sundry Debt Recovery Policy.
Minutes of Previous Meeting(s) Minutes: The Council approves as accurate (subject to any amendments) the Minutes of the following Meetings:
Full Council: 13/09/2023 PDF 261 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Full Council Meeting held 13 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Cabinet: 13/09/2023 PDF 297 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Cabinet Meeting held 13 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Licensing Committee: 07/09/2023 PDF 101 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Licensing Committee held 7 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Licensing Committee: 07/09/2023 PDF 109 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Licensing Committee held 7 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record.
Licensing Committee: 20/09/2023 PDF 117 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Licensing Committee held 20 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record.
Governance and Audit Committee: 11/09/2023 PDF 162 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Governance and Audit Committee held 11 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Democratic Services Committee: 06/09/2023 PDF 133 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Democratic Services Committee held 6 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Scrutiny : Corporate Support and Resources: 19/09/2023 PDF 166 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Corporate Support and Resources Scrutiny Committee held 19 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Scrutiny : Social Services: 12/09/2023 PDF 159 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Social Services Scrutiny Committee held 12 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Scrutiny : Neighbourhood Services, Countryside and Planning: 25/09/2023 PDF 144 KB Minutes: Resolved that:
The Minutes of the Neighbourhood Services, Countryside and Planning Scrutiny Committee held 25 September 2023 be accepted as a correct record. |
Sundry Debt Recovery Policy PDF 395 KB To consider report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Declaration of Interest
Councillor K Gibbs having Declared his Interest in this item left the Meeting for the consideration of this item.
Retirement of Head of Finance
Councillor A Barry advised that this was the last Full Council Meeting for Steve Jones Head of Finance and extended very best wishes for the future and thanked him for his work over the years.
A number of Members also paid tribute to Steve Jones for his work over the years.
Resolved that:
The updated Sundry Debt Recovery Policy included as Appendix 1 be approved. |
To receive report of the Deputy Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for Information be received. |
School Balances 2022-2024 PDF 457 KB To receive report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for Information be received.
Annual Report on Social Services 2022-23 PDF 289 KB To receive report of the Chief Officer Social Services Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for Information be received.
Regional Partnership Board Annual Plan 2022-23 PDF 282 KB To receive report of the Chief Officer Social Services Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for Information be received.
To deal with any other urgent business or correspondence Minutes: The Mayor advised that there was no other urgent business or correspondence. |
To receive communications from Their Worship the Mayor Minutes: The Mayor advised that this year’s annual Diwrnod Shwmae event would take place at Cyfarthfa Park on Saturday 14 October from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm. |
Exempt In order for the following to be considered in private, it is suggested that the public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under Part 4 of Schedule 12A of Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972.
Minutes: Resolved that:
The public be excluded from the Meeting on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined under Part 4 of Schedule 12A of Section 100 (A) (4) of the Local Government Act 1972. |
Disabled Facility Grants Delivery
To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive Minutes: Declaration of Interest
Councillor E Galsworthy and Councillor B Smith having Declared their Interest in this item left the Meeting for the consideration of this item.
Resolved that:
The recommendation as detailed in Paragraph 2.1 of the report be approved. |
Placement Commissioning Strategy To consider report of the Chief Officer Social Services Minutes: Resolved that:
The recommendations as detailed in Paragraphs 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 of the report be approved. |