Contact: Democratic Services Department
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence |
Declarations of Interest Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct
(a) Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and
(b) Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave |
Ombudsman Annual Letter for Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council - 2022/23 PDF 273 KB To consider report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor A Barry led the Members through the ‘Ombudsman Annual Letter for Merthyr Tydfil County Borough Council - 2022/23’ report.
The following comments were raised:
It’s pleasing to see the decrease in reports and complaints, and it shows the good work of the Standards Committee.
Resolved that:
2.1 The content of the Ombudsman’s Annual letter be noted and debated.
Capital Monitoring 2023/24 – Quarter 3 PDF 172 KB To consider report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor A Barry advised that this was the last Cabinet Meeting for Adele Lewis and thanked her for her help and guidance to the Cabinet.
Councillor A Barry then led the Members through the ‘Capital Monitoring 2023/24 – Quarter 3’ report.
Resolved that:
2.1 The Quarter 3 Capital Monitoring Report for 2023/24 be noted. 2.2 The budget amendments for core-funded projects as outlined in 4.1 below be approved. 2.3 Variances to the budgets as per paragraphs 4.2 be noted.
Budget Consultation 2024/25 PDF 524 KB To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor A Barry led the Members through the ‘Budget Consultation 2024/25’ report.
The Chair thanked Head of Communications Ceri Dinham, and her team for their valuable work in public engagement.
Resolved that:
2.1 The results of the Budget Consultation be received, considered and approved.
Revenue Budget Monitoring 2023/24 - Quarter 3 PDF 453 KB To consider report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
2.1 The Revenue Budget Monitoring report for the 2023/24 financial year based on 3rd Quarter projections be accepted. 2.2 Budget Virements outlined in Appendix 2 be approved. 2.3 Managers to urgently address projected budget deficits within their respective service areas, identifying all possible remedial measures to offset projected deficits, be approved.
Dedication of a Public Right of Way running from Trefechan to the Taff Trail - Vaynor 48 PDF 256 KB To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Councillor Michelle Symondsled the Members through the ‘Dedication of a Public Right of Way running from to the Taff Trail - 48’ report.
The Chair thanked the Officers for their work.
Resolved that:
2.1 The route shown on the attached plan be dedicated as a public right of way with the status of bridleway, be approved. 2.2 A dedication agreement be drafted to dedicate the strip of land, be approved. 2.3 A Definitive Map Modification Order be made to record the route on the Council’s Definitive Map and Statement, be approved.
Summary of Summer 2023 Outcomes PDF 495 KB To consider report of the Chief Officer Education Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for information be received.
To receive report of the Chief Executive Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for information be received.
Appointment of Local Authority Governors PDF 655 KB To receive report of the Chief Officer Education Additional documents: Minutes: Resolved that:
The report for information be received.
Any Other Business Deemed Urgent by the Chair |
Capital Programme 2024/25 – 2027/28 To consider report of the Chief Executive Minutes: Resolved that:
The recommendations detailed in Paragraphs 2.1 and 2.2 of the report be approved. |