Agenda and minutes


Contact: Democratic Services Department 

No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence received from the following committee members: Councillor J Amos and Councillor H Barrett.


Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct




(a)  Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and


(b)  Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave


Councillor C Tovey declared a personal and prejudicial interest in Item 3 P/19/0073 as he owns a number of Bed and Breakfasts in the area.


P/19/0073 - Bike Park Wales, Gethin Woodland Centre, Abercanaid, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1YZ pdf icon PDF 776 KB

To consider report of the Interim Chief Executive


Provision of 36 camping pods and 5 chalets, erection of shower / toilet block and creation of play and picnic area. Construction of new parking area (150 spaces) with overflow carpark (46 spaces), together with a trail maintenance yard, new highway access routes, ground profile works, drainage, infrastructure and landscape works


Councillor C Tovey left the meeting after declaring an interest in the item and the Vice Chair Councillor M Colbran took the Chair.


The Planning Officer led the committee through the report with the aid of the power point presentation.


The following questions were raised by the committee and responded to in detail by the Planning Officers in attendance.


·         Clarification was sort in relation to the removal of trees from the area outside of the bird nesting season


·         Does the authority have the necessary staff to ensure all conditions are monitored


·         Confirmation was sort from the Planning Officers that the only vehicular access will remain via the A470 and there will be no impact on the village of Abercanaid


·         Confirmation was sought in relation to the tarmac road at the entrance and whether tarmac would be extended into the site or if a chipping / gravel surface would be used for the extension of the road


·         There are currently both pedestrian and cycle access routes on site, will these access routes be better sign posted as they are currently poor


·         Clarity was sought on the timescale for the completion of the works and whether it would be possible for the Planning Department to arrange a post work Fact Finding Visit


·         Clarification was sought as to the planned location of the toilet / shower block


·         Confirmation was sought from the officers that the distance from the camping pods to the toilet / shower block was reasonable


·         Clarification was sought in relation to the private water supply as the report highlighted a concern raised by the Environmental Health Manager


·         An explanation was sought in relation to how the site currently receives water via a private water supply and what plans are in place to increase the water capacity due to the expected increase in visitors


·         Concerns were raised in relation to the access road, due to the number of projected visitors. How will the road be maintained and who will be responsible for the maintenance


After consideration by the Committee, it was Resolved that:


In accordance with the recommendation of the Head of Town Planning and Countryside, the application be approved subject to the conditions outlined in the report.



P/19/0115 Appeal Decision pdf icon PDF 490 KB

To receive report of the Interim Chief Executive


Councillor C Tovey returned to the meeting and took the Chair.


Resolved that:


Appeal Decision P/19/0115 be received.


P/19/0038 Appeal Received pdf icon PDF 213 KB

To receive report of the Interim Chief Executive


Resolved that:


Appeal P/19/0038 be received.


PE/18/0119 Appeal Received pdf icon PDF 199 KB

To receive report of the Interim Chief Executive


Resolved that:


Appeal PE/18/0119 be received.


Delegated Report pdf icon PDF 570 KB


Resolved that:


Delegated report be received.



Any Other Business Deemed Urgent by the Chair


The Chair advised that there was no business deemed urgent and closed the meeting.



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