Agenda and minutes


No. Item


Apologies for absence


Apologies for absence received from Kath Phelan (Co-optee).


Declarations of Interest (including whipping declarations)

Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct




(a)  Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and


(b)  Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave




No declarations of interest were made.


Estyn Case Studies: Ynysowen and Bishop Hedley

To receive a presentation.


Bishop Hedley High School


The Chair welcomed Sarah Hopkins and Father Christopher from Bishop Hedley High School to the meeting.


Sarah Hopkins then took members through a presentation in relation to the School’s success, as follows:


·         School Improvement Priorities for 2018-2021.


·         Enrichment Programme which helps pupils to develop important life skills and supports the introduction of the new curriculum.  


·         Providing students with opportunities to explore and develop their individual skills and interests.


·         Engagement with Outside Agencies.


·         Health and Well-being days providing opportunities for students to assess their levels of fitness and to try new activities that they may not otherwise have access to.  


·         Supporting National Initiatives.  


·         Engaging and Inspiring Students.


·         Student Leadership Team .


·         Benefits for the Students.


Sarah Hopkins and Father Christopher provided background information in relation to the following questions from the Committee: 


·         How many pupils attend from outside of the County Borough?


·         What support is given from Outside Agencies?


·         How does the Enrichment Programme operate throughout the year?


·         Parental engagement/involvement within the School? 


The Chair and the Committee thanked Sarah Hopkins and Father Christopher for attending and congratulated them on the School’s recent achievements.


Ynysowen Community Primary School


The Chair then welcomed Simone Roden and Ellen Hook from Ynysowen Community Primary School to the meeting.


Simone Roden and Ellen Hook gave members an overview of the School’s success as follows:


·         Estyn’s Inspection at the School.


·         Successful Estyn Judgements.


·         Background of Ynysowen Community Primary School.


·         Case Study  -  “Work on Pupil Voice”


·         Ensuring all pupils are provided with opportunities to contribute to their own learning.


·         Safe and secure learning environment.


·         Collaboration and communication with pupils.


·         Pupils assessment for learning.


·         Weekly Evaluations undertaken with Pupils


·         Consultation with Teachers and Pupils 


·         “Class Charter” for Pupils.


·         The development of extra curricular clubs. 


·         Pupil participation.


·         Introduction of Pupil Responsibility Groups.


Rosa Lazell, Chair of Governors at Ynysowen School, thanked both Simone and Ellen for their presentation and also congratulated them on their recent success and their hard work.     She advised that she will make arrangements for all members to have a copy of their powerpoint presentation.    


Simone Roden and Ellen Hook provided background information in relation to the following questions from the Committee:. 


·         When was the Pupil Voice Programme introduced within the School and also how has it been progressed throughout the duration of the Programme?


·         How does negative behaviour of pupils affect the teaching in the classroom?


·         Clarification on parental involvement/engagement.


·         What levels of out of school learning do you provide?


·         Problem solving days held at the School.


The Chair and the Committee thanked Simone Roden and Ellen Hook for attending and congratulated them on the School’s recent achievements. The Chair also thanked Rosa Lazell, who is a co-optee of this committee and   Chair of Ynysowen School, for her contribution.    


Self-Evaluation Report pdf icon PDF 201 KB

To consider the attached report

Additional documents:


Sue Walker referred to the Self Evaluation Report  which builds up a profile of judgements, and is used to highlight any areas for improvement as well as come to an overall view on standards and performance.


She gave an overview of the current judgements for the SER under Inspection Areas 1, 2 and 3.


Officers provided advice and background information in relation to the following questions from the Committee:


·         Update on Primary School attendance and how can this be improved?


·         Inspection area 1 -  concerns especially at the end of key stage 4 with regard to attainment decreasing in 2018  -  how confident  can we be that there is a positive way forward to get these standards increased?


·         Staff sickness  -  is this at a manageable level within Schools and what support is given to staff?


·         Clarification on Free School Meals within Schools.


·         Management of behaviour within Schools and how it affects learning within the classroom.  At what stage is parental involvement considered?


·         Manage and improve on levels of behaviour and sustaining this improvement.


·         Clarification on the reduced number of exclusions.


·         Pressures on teachers  -  any ongoing support for teachers if required. 


·         Clarification on an area based strategy for parenting.




Members note the content of the report. 



Alan Rees (Co-optee) left the meeting at 5.10 pm and Councillor Howard Barrett left the meeting at 5.15 pm.


Work programme 2019-20 pdf icon PDF 362 KB

To consider the attached report

Additional documents:


The Committee considered and agreed the Work Programme.



Scrutiny Referrals, Feedback and Follow up Actions

To receive an update from the Chair


The Chair advised that there was no update on this item. 


Reflection and Evaluation of Meeting

To receive an update from the Chair


The Chair and the Members reflected in detail on the items discussed in the meeting.


The Scrutiny Officer to liaise with Sue Walker to explore the feasibility of a Joint Scrutiny Workshop for the Parenting Strategy and also to clarify if co-optees are invited to the New Accountability Measures Workshop on Thursday, 11th July 2019. 


Any other business deemed urgent by the Chair


The Chair advised that there was no business deemed urgent.


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