Contact: Democratic Services
No. | Item |
Apologies for absence Minutes: Apologies for absence were received from Cllr JScriven, Cllr CJones, LMcClean and J Bridges. |
Declarations of Interest (including whipping declarations) Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct
(a) Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and
(b) Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave
Minutes: No Declarations of Interest were made. |
Transition Arrangements across all key stages PDF 197 KB To consider the attached report. Minutes: Councillor G Thomas introduced the ‘Transition Arrangements across all key stages’ Report.
The Chair then notified the Committee that the visit to The College Merthyr Tydfil had been an informative visit.
The following questions were raised:
· In relation to 5.5, why is it only two of the four schools? · In relation to 5.6, who’s involved with it in Merthyr Tydfil? Are these real-world businesses? · Regarding 5.8, can you explain what the series of deep dives are? · In relation to 4.4, do we know how many schools are actually following the guidance in the document? · Regarding 5.4, to what degree do the College anticipate the type of courses that future students might want? Is that an area they look at? · Do the pupils get asked what sort of things they might want? · In relation to 5.8, do we know why that might be? · What consideration has been given to children who attend special schools in terms of transitioning into that school?When they leave are we confident that there’s suitable destinations for them? · In relation to 3.5, do the governing bodies that partner primary schools have visibility of and input into those plans? Do the schools have a consistent view of the commitments that are in that and are there measurements of the effectiveness of the commitments in the plan? · In relation to 6.4, what community groups and how do they support? · Is there a transition offer for thestudents in the PRU setting? Do they go back and engage with their own schools? Or is there a bespoke offer?
The following comments were made:
· The RARS strategy is not online. · The report is extensive but it’s still dependent on parents engaging with the health professionals and then engaging with schools. · Comments were made regarding parental engagement in other authorities. · Do we have data that looks at the successfulness of transitions at each stage with learners? · Comments were made regarding toileting. · It is important that the Welsh medium sector is included in the review.
The Chair then thanked the Officers for attending and for the update to the Committee.
Resolved that:
Members discuss and debate the content of the report and identify if there are further aspects of this agenda that need scrutinising.
Forward Work Programme 2023/2024 PDF 311 KB To consider the attached report Additional documents: Minutes: The Chair referred the Committee to the Forward Work Programme 2023/24 report and reminded the Committee that this was the last meeting in this cycle.
The Chair then reflected on previous meetings and Task & Finish groups and noted the following items to be revisited:
· Safeguarding · Education Psychology Service · Estyn feedback · SER workshop 14th May · Task & Finish Group – MAT Pupils · Ty Dysgu · Review of Catchment Areas for schools
The Chair asked for any suggestions going forward. The following items for consideration were then proposed:
· LRB capacity - will that report come back to the Scrutiny Committee for further evaluation? · Budget - impact on schools. · Community schools and how the roll out across the Borough has made progress and ensure that its adding value to what schools are already doing. · Progress relating to feasibility for Welsh Medium secondary schools. · Whole school approach · Curriculum for Wales – where are we with that? · ALN Act – how are schools dealing with this? · Middle tier review with Welsh Government – how that canimpact support for Merthyr Tydfil? · Success of destinations for learners going into further education. · RARS Strategy - we need to understand the additional elements.
Resolved that:
Scrutiny Members agree the items set out in the Scrutiny Forward Work Programme.
Scrutiny Referrals To consider referrals made to Scrutiny for inclusion in the Forward Work Programme. Minutes: There were no referrals. |
Report Recommendations Did we address the recommendations in each report and how have we added value? Minutes: The Committee agreed that the reports had been discussed and the contents noted. |
Feedback on Scrutiny Activities Any outstanding actions? Feedback from workshops / task and finish groups / enquiry days, etc. Minutes: The Chair reminded the Committee of the invitation to the SER workshop on the 14th ofMay.
The Chair then referred to the visit to The College Merthyr Tydfil and how it was a useful and informative visit, and it could be revisited in the future.
A comment was made regarding the responses from Officers and whether it could be followed up. |
Any other business deemed urgent by the Chair Minutes: The Chair notified the Committee that the next meeting is on the 10thof June. |