Agenda and minutes

Venue: Orbit Business Centre, Rhydycar Business Park, Merthyr Tydfil, CF48 1DL


No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Bernie Bowen-Thompson and Councillor John Thomas.


Alan Michael, Commissioner gave apologies on behalf of Emma Wools, Deputy Commissioner due to illness.




Declarations of Interest

Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct




(a)  Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and


(b)  Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave


Mel Jehu declared his interest in the agenda as he is a Non-Executive Trustee of Safer Merthyr Tydfil who receive funding from the Commissioner’s Office.


Sarah James declared her interest as Welsh Womens Aid, an  organisation that she sub contracts to receives funding from the Commissioner’s Office.


Election of Chair and Vice Chair pdf icon PDF 112 KB

To consider the attached report


Resolved that:


Councillor Bernie Bowen-Thompson be re-appointed as Chair of the South Wales Police and Crime Panel.


Mel Jehu, Co-opted Member be re-appointed as Vice Chair of the South Wales Police and Crime Panel.


Minutes of meeting Tuesday, 25 April 2023 of South Wales Police and Crime Panel pdf icon PDF 165 KB


Resolved that:


The Minutes of the Meeting held on 25 April 2023 be accepted as a correct record.


Update on the Events in Ely, Cardiff (Verbal) pdf icon PDF 276 KB

To receive a verbal update from the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.


A Michael, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner provided Panel with a detailed verbal update on the events that happened in Ely, Cardiff on 22/23 May 2023 (attached as a supplement).


The Chair on behalf the South Wales Police and Crime Panel offered their sincere condolences to both families.


Simon Jones, Solicitor read a question from a member of the public:-


Question – Following the incident in Ely on Monday, 22 March 2023 in which two boys dies Alun Michael jumped the gun and was very quick to exonerate the police from any involvement.  He was elected by the public to be “the voice of the people and to hold the police to account”.  In fact he defended and justified the police before the facts were independently established.  He demonstrated his bias and determination to protect and support the actions of the police irrespective of the truth.  My question to Alun Michael is why does he not now resign and make way for someone who has the strength of character to challenge the actions of the police when appropriate in an honest, truthful and impartial way.


The Panel raised the following questions and comments which were answered in detail by the Commissioner and his Team:-


·         What are you doing to ensure that everyone is singing from the same hymn sheet?


·         Were you asked by the Commanding Officer to speak to the media on behalf of the South Wales Police? 


·         Of the 20 arrests made, how many were residents of the Ely area?


·         Do you feel any lessons were learnt from the Mayhill incidents in how the response in Ely was dealt with?


·         What proactive measures within the community will be taken to ensure the chance of re-occurrence in the Ely area is reduced?


·         Have you spoken to other Local Authorities/Cities where there have been riots to gain their knowledge and ascertain best initiatives used? 


·         Are you asking Central Government for more funding to deal with these events?


·         With the benefit of hindsight, in response to the events would you do or say anything different?


The Chair thanked the Commissioner and his Team for their responses and suggested that following the results of the Review that this matter be looked at again in a future meeting.


Finance Update pdf icon PDF 280 KB

To receive a Presentation and consider the attached Report from Peter Curran, Finance Officer to the South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.


Peter Curran, Chief Finance Office, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner’s Office provided a detailed presentation and led Panel through the Finance Update report with particular emphasis on:


·         Overview of the Financial Assurances

·         2022/2023 Year-End Financial Accounts

·         Overview of the 2023/2024 Budget

·         Key Future Financial Issues and Risk


P Curran left the meeting.

A short comfort break was taken at 12.10 p.m.



Violence Against Women - Presentation

To receive a Presentation from Emma Wools, Deputy South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner.


E Wools, Deputy South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner was unable to attend the meeting and therefore this item was deferred.


Complaints - Presentation

To receive a Presentation from L Jones, Chief Executive, South Wales Police Commissioner’s Office


L Jones, Chief Executive, South Wales Police and Crime Commissioner Office provided Panel with a detailed Presentation with particular emphasis on:-


·       Complaints System Legislation and Guidance

·       Local Landscape of access to the complaint system

·       Who ensures the standards in complaint investigations are being delivered

·       Referrals to the IOPC

·       Why are cases referred  (a local investigation; a directed investigation or an independent investigation)

·       Overview of complaint trends

·       Types of complaints against SWP 2022/23

·       Trends in internal investigations

·       Information provided and oversight by PCC Team

·       Complaint Reviews (Background; The Right of Review; Acknowledging a Review; Conducting a Review; Outcomes)

·       Review Outcomes

·       Correspondence Statistics


The following questions and comments were raised and answered in detail by L Jones:-


·       As there is no right of appeal, do you go back to the person and ask whether they are satisfied, or an attempt made to build dialogue with the person, or does dip sampling cover this?


·       Where does whistleblowing fit in with the complaints process?


·       Is there an appeal process open to those who feel that it was not investigated properly?


Action Point – For the Professional Standards Department to give a presentation on the work they do to Panel at a future meeting.



Home Office Monitoring Report pdf icon PDF 346 KB

To consider the attached report

Additional documents:


S Jones, Solicitor presented an information report to Panel detailing:-


·       Key Requirements

·       Progress Against the Critical Success Factors

·       Number of Meetings

·       Scrutiny and Publications

·       Engaging with the SWPCC

·       Other Engagement

·       Engagement with the public

·       Expenditure


The Chair highlighted the other work that has been undertaken by the Panel.


The Commissioner referred to the Association of Police and Crime Commissioners and the discussions around the role of the Panel and the different perspectives and experiences of other Commissioners and what in the future can the Panel do?  The Commissioner acknowledged that the work undertaken was on top of the daily roles of S Jones and those that support him, and further highlighted the potential of the Panel if the resources were available to do more.


Further discussion took place on the future work of the Panel, what should we argue for, what could the panel do better? Availability of research capacity for work to be done for Panel members outside of the five Panel Meetings.


Resolved that:


The content of the report be noted.



SWPCP Work Programme and Future Meeting Dates pdf icon PDF 282 KB

To consider the attached report

Additional documents:


S Jones, Solicitor provided Panel with the work programme and future meeting dates report.


Resolved that:


The content of the report be agreed and noted.


Any other business deemed urgent by the Chair


A Panel Member requested an update on developments from the Commissioner on ‘Right Care, Right Person’.


Action Point – When appropriate and available an update on the Right Care, Right Person Project be provided to Panel.

The Commissioner provided a detailed response to the request made and further discussion between the Commissioner and Panel Members took place.


The Chair advised there was no further business deemed urgent, thanked all those present for their attendance and contribution and closed the meeting at 1.30 pm.


The Chair advised the next meeting will be held at Police HQ in Bridgend on 19th September 2023.


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