Agenda and minutes


Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from H Jackson Co-opted Member. 


Declarations of Interest (including whipping declarations)

Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct




(a)  Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and


(b)  Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave


Councillor L Davies Declared his Interest in Item 3 – Town Centre Buildings -Town Centre Strategic Plan and advised that he would vacate the Chair when the Red House was discussed. 


Town Centre Buildings - Town Centre Strategic Plan pdf icon PDF 220 KB

To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive


Alyn Owen and Zoe Thomas led the Committee in detail through the report and together with Craig Watkins responded to the following questions raised by the Committee on the report:  


·         What can we do about the General Hospital? 

·         Regarding the General Hospital, could we consider a compulsory purchase? 

·         Does it necessarily require development? 

·         In relation to 4.7, is the other building on the site listed? Is there anything that we can do about it? 

·         Regarding St Tydfil’s Hospital Site, do we know who the current owners of the land are? 

·         Is there any progress? 

·         Regarding the Theatre Royal, is there a possibility that you may have to consider demolition? 

·         Do CADW carry out site visits? 

·         What is the next step regarding the Theatre Royal? 

·         Why is the Theatre Royal listed? 

·         Regarding the YMCA, what would the grants be used for? Is getting a permanent roof the next phase? 

·         How long will it be before the second phase starts? How long will it take to finish? 

·         Do you know the cost? 

·         How much did the first phase cost? 

·         Who are the owners of the Miner’s Hall? Has the owner been in contact with the council? 

·         Is there anything in the future that we could do to make sure our policies are robust enough to avoid these issues reoccurring? 

·         Could you provide an update on the makeup of the Towns Board? 

·         RWP Properties, are they purchasing these properties and then approaching the council? 


Declaration of Interest 

Councillor L Davies vacated the Chair and left the Chamber for the discussion of the Redhouse. 


Councillor D Sammon took over as Chair for the remainder of the item. 


The following questions were asked:  


·         Regardingthe Redhouse, are you able to provide more detail in what support the council can provide at this stage? 

·         Regarding the ITV report, could you confirm that the statement is accurate? What form would any investigation take? 

·         Regarding the Towns Board, do you think there’s scope there to look at the Redhouse as a priority? 

·         Can you confirm that Merthyr Tydfil Leisure Trust’s legal representatives have now stopped representing them? 

·         When do you think this process will be concluded and the building reopened? 


The following comments were raised: 

·         As a committee we should review whether there is merit in expanding this into a wider look at the Leisure Trust and the actions it has taken so far, and how we can avoid this happening with any future organisation. 




Socially Responsible Procurement Strategy 2024-29 pdf icon PDF 222 KB

To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive

Additional documents:


Paul Davies led the Committee through the ‘Socially Responsible Procurement Strategy 2024- 29’ report and together with the Officers responded in detail to the following questions raised on the report:  


·         Regarding the £40m, what steps are being taken to try and reduce that? 

·         Commercial strategy, is that going to come to Scrutiny? 

·         Do employers adhere to fair working practices and policies that promote equality, diversity, and inclusion? 

·         Is there any way to increase the spending on local suppliers? 

·         Have the workshops already started? 

·         How do you classify a local supplier?  

·         Do you find it difficult controlling expenditure in schools? 

·         Do you adopt a preferred and approved vendor system 

·         Have you got a cost reduction strategy? Have you found it difficult to control costs in the last couple of years? 

·         Have you got a risk management strategy?  

·         What is the purchasing threshold reduced to? 

·         What is the process of processing invoices? 

·         Can you expand on the current obligations? Are there any obligations on suppliers to be living wage employers? 

·         What challenges do you foresee in ensuring that this strategy is embedded across the council? 

·         Could there be training for all departments? 

·         Why aren’t we bulk buying on behalf of the schools? Have you had discussions with representatives of all the schools? 

·         Regarding invoices, are there still a lot of paper forms? 


The following comments were raised: 


·         This gives insight into our budget position and transformation. Any additional support or information that the department could provide to increase awareness would be welcomed. 

·         The acts coming into place in October will change things again, and when it’s fully embedded it would be useful for us to know how it’s working. 



Forward Work Programme 2023/24 pdf icon PDF 308 KB

To consider the attached report

Additional documents:


The Chair notified the Committee that there is a skeleton forward work programme that will be circulated. 


Councillor A Williams Price asked about seeking input from the public on the Forward Work Plan. 



Scrutiny Referrals

To consider any referrals made to Scrutiny for inclusion in the Forward Work Programme


The Chair advised that there were no referrals.  


Report Recommendations

Did we address the recommendations in each report and how have we added value?


A comment was maderegarding Item 3 and whether certain properties should be prioritised 


Feedback on Scrutiny Activities

Any outstanding actions?  Feedback from workshops / task and finish groups / enquiry days, etc.


Cllr D Sammon provided an update on the Fly tipping Task and Finish group. 


Any Other Business deemed urgent by the Chair


The Chair advised that there was no other business deemed urgent.


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