Agenda and draft minutes


Contact: Democratic Services 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Cabinet Member Councillor M Symonds, H Hopkins Co-opted Member and H Jackson Co-opted Member. 


Declarations of Interest (including whipping declarations)

Members are reminded of their personal responsibility to declare any personal and prejudicial interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government and Finance Act 1992 relating to Council Tax, the Local Government Act 2000, the Council’s Constitution and the Members Code of Conduct




(a)  Members are reminded that they must identify the item number and subject matter that their interest relates to and signify the nature of the personal interest and


(b)  Where Members withdraw from a Meeting as a consequence of the disclosure of a prejudicial interest they must notify the Chair when they leave


No declarations of interest were received.


Forward Work Programme 2024/25 pdf icon PDF 531 KB

To consider the attached report

Additional documents:


The Chair referred to the Scrutiny Forward Work Programme and provided updates to Committee.  


The Chair also discussed a possible meeting to discuss the Forward Work Programme further. 


The Committee then discussed items for the Work Programme and referred to Leisure Services, Events Policy and the Cyfarthfa Foundation. 


Housing and Homelessness Report pdf icon PDF 477 KB

To consider report of the Chief Executive


The Chair referred to the Housing and Homelessness report and welcomed Alyn Owen, Suzanne Lewis-Abbott and Suzanne Stephens to the Meeting. 


Suzanne Stephens and Suzanne Lewis-Abbott led the Committee in detail through the report and together with Alyn Owen responded to the following questions raised by the Committee on the report: 


·         How many are in Bed and Breakfast accommodation up until today? 

·         In relation to 5.3, where will the remaining individuals be rehoused?

·         What HMO will be used? 

·         In relation to 5.6, do we know when this will become an act? 

·         Regarding 5.7, can you explain the local connection tests? 

·         In relation to 5.12, are you expecting more in October? Have the 4 got accommodation? 

·         If an individual goes to prison, how long will their property be held for? 

·         In relation to 5.12, what’s our share in the last 12 months of this? 

·         Regarding 4.2, what’s causing the increase in assessments? 

·         In relation to 5.1, is the reduction causing problems? 

·         Regarding 5.8, how do we manage if there’s more than one person? 

·         HMO policy - could you provide background on why the recommendation was removed and why it was necessary for large properties to be considered as HMOs? What consideration was given in deciding to go over five? 

·         In relation to 5.1, do you have a timeline? 

·         Supported accommodation - how many more units do you need? 

·         Housing register - how many are currently of pensionable age? 

·         Regarding 5.9, how is that figure worked out?  


The following comments were raised: 


·         It takes time to determine where and what to build, but there's several units of accommodation that will become available which is a positive. 

·         The workshop was informative and useful.


The Chair then thanked the Officers for attending and the update to the Committee.  


Overview of the work of the Active Merthyr Team pdf icon PDF 491 KB

To consider report of the Deputy Chief Executive


The Chair referred to the ‘Overview of the work of the Active Merthyr Team’report and welcomed Dan Bufton to the Meeting. 


Dan Bufton led the Committee in detail through the report and together with Alyn Owen responded to the following questions raised by the Committee on the report: 


·         In terms of the Fros Y Fran 2022-2024 grants, is that going to be a cause for concern if that money stops? 

·         In relation to 5.8, what would the outcome of the Football Development Plan be? 

·         Has the astroturf been replaced in Cyfarthfa High School? When will that work be done?

·         What consideration is given to the different needs of women and girls and the way they participate in physical activity particularly in regard to decisions of the development of spaces across the Borough? 

·         Is there a need for a swimming strategy?  Do we know how many people can and can’t swim in the Borough? 

·         Why does the funding support vary? 

·         Cyfarthfa High School - would the attendant still be covered by you? 


The Chair then thanked the Officers for attending and the update to the Committee.  


Scrutiny Referrals

To consider any referrals made to Scrutiny for inclusion in the Forward Work Programme


The Chair advised that there were no referrals.


Report Recommendations

Did we address the recommendations in each report and how have we added value?


The Committee agreed that they had considered the reports that had been presented and their recommendations.


Feedback on Scrutiny Activities

Any outstanding actions?  Feedback from workshops / task and finish groups / enquiry days, etc.


The Chair noted that there is currently no date for the task and finish group but there will be a workshop. 


Any Other Business deemed urgent by the Chair


The Chair advised that there was no other business deemed urgent. 


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