Agenda item

Approval of Air Quality Management Area Action Plan

To consider report of the Chief Officer Community Regeneration


Councillor G Thomas referred the Council to the ‘Approval of Air Quality Management Area Action Plan’ report and moved the recommendations as contained within the report.


Councillor D Jones then moved an amendment to the recommendation that every six months after implementation a report be brought back to Council giving an update on the Air Quality in the AQMA.


Sue Gow then responded in detail to the amendment and advised that at least twelve months of data was required.


Councillor D Jones then advised that he would amend his proposal to every twelve months.


A vote was then taken on the amendment and the vote was carried.


Resolved subject to the foregoing that:


(a)  The Air Quality Action Plan (AQAP) be approved which recommends the implementation of Option 1a, to provide an alternative northbound route for vehicles using the roundabout outside Tesco, and agrees to it being submitted to Welsh Government by 31 July 2018 for inspection and agreement.  Failure to submit the AQAP by the deadline will result in interventions by Welsh Government.

(b)  That a report be made to Full Council to update on the first twelve months data that is available  on the date when that data is available

Supporting documents:


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