To consider report of the Chief Officer Education
Sue Walker referred to the Corporate Self Evaluation report on Inspection Area 2, and advised members that this had been prepared under the corporate self evaluation framework and is presented slightly different to the format previously received. She asked members whether they wanted to consider scheduling a further report outlining the full self evaluation under the ESTYN framework at July 2020 meeting.
She took members through the report in detail in particular:
· Key findings of the self-evaluation activity, outlining areas of good practice along with areas for development, and identifying the priorities for improvement which are incorporated in the Business Improvement Plan.
· Exercise undertaken to ensure that the self evaluation documents continue to meet the organisation’s needs.
· The key questions used within the self-evaluation documents, namely outcomes, provision and service delivery and leadership and management.
· Where we are now in relation to the judgement - identifying the strengths, areas that need improvement, the goals that have been shared with Headteachers and Governors and how these goals will be addressed through the key priorities.
· The timetable of where we want to be.
· What we need to do next in relation to the provision across the Learning Department.
· The impact of the poverty agenda provision, which will be addressed in an Away Day and reported back to this Committee.
· Clarification on the judgement of unsatisfactory/adequate in relation to 2.1 (How well does the service engage with corporate support services to help improve service provision and delivery)?
· The work that John Sellwood has carried out on evaluating the activities his department have delivered to schools.
A video was then played to members in relation to young learners, which is a project aimed to increase lunchtime physical activity opportunities across primary schools and engage inactive children through the development of a Young Leaders Programme.
Officers provided background information in relation to the following questions:
· Update on the ALNCo Forums and whether we are ready for the introduction of the new ALNET Act.
· Is the Capital One working to plan and what progress has been made?
· In relation to further developments of support for Behaviour Management and Wellbeing for Pupils, what support is planned and how can you ensure it is fit for purpose?
· Clarification on SEBD.
· In relation to supportive behaviour, how do teachers deal with children within classrooms?
· How many pupils are electively home educated?
· Is there enough investment in the Education Psychology Service to ensure the needs of pupils and in relation to the training being delivered to school staff to manage self-harm and suicide, is this a new theme within the Schools?
· Clarification on why the opportunity to explore a second site in relation to the Schools Holiday Enrichment Programme was unsuccessful.
· Analysis of the WellComm data showed that whilst children’s language skills were significantly improving in childcare 2-3 years, annually children’s skills levels were declining on entry into childcare at 2 years. What are we doing about this?
· Staff Wellbeing Charter, how are we going to continue to support our leaders?
The Chair referred to the judgement of unsatisfactory/adequate in relation to 2.1 (How well does the service engage with corporate support services to help improve service provision and delivery), and asked the Committee for their thoughts on what this overall judgement should be. Following discussion is was:
RESOLVED that this judgement would be “unsatisfactory”.
· Members note the content of the report developed through completion of the self evaluation process.
· Members receive a booklet on the activities that have been delivered to Schools.
· Update report on ALN to be considered for a future Scrutiny Committee.
Supporting documents: